Whoever thinks the online world is impersonal, standardized and uniform has probably spent the last 10 years on top of a mountain, frozen in an ice cube or with their eyes completely shut. The internet is the place where entire worlds are built around our personality.

That's the philosophy at World Net, a company that develops its software around the people who use it. It's only by doing things like this that we can quickly meet specific needs or offer customised solutions for special requirements.

Software "tailored" for customers, their needs and their concerns. Programs are "crafted" and put together by analysts who know that listening is the most important step of all. It is only through dialogue between you, your business, experts and software technicians that an extraordinarily unique business software solution can be developed.

“Make us work harder to simplify your life”

Developing software like that is obviously more complicated to develop, especially when compared to the alternative: give the customer a standard version and tell them "take it or leave it". But the benefits for users are considerable, and multiply with every action: processes become streamlined, procedures become standardised and steps become simplified.

Imagine how much those things weigh, how much your load will be lightened by reaping those benefits, and how much time you could save if you have the right management software.

You can be sure you've made the right choice every time you log in, and have it proven to you every time you log out. It will allow you to dedicate all the time that you save to your business. But the benefits do not end with the simplicity and speed of operations. Rather, that's where they begin.

With software like this, you have a better filing system, and documents are much easier to find. Most of all, you can save the cost of physical paper and storage.

The environment thanks you, and so does your wallet.

World Net, the webmasters

World Net is proud of its skilful and creative way of getting things done, and this is epitomised in its web-oriented approach. Our network and its powerful agility and flexibility mean we can design and build software that is:

  • accessible wherever there is an internet connection, from any device

  • free of hardware constraints

  • in the cloud, making it easy to share and perfect for teamwork, even across different devices, working hours and time zones

  • secure, protected from hacking and guaranteed from a privacy perspective

  • 100% reliable

  • World Net Would you like to know more? Visit the World Net website

Beyond rental without driver

From transport to rental with driver, from events to parking, and more...

GestiRent for Rental-with-Driver

Software version for Rental-with-Driver

Version of GestiRent specially developed for the management of rental with driver (NCC), starting from the specificities of this type of activity, much more mobile.

A modular platform, fully adaptable to your mobile work needs and with an intuitive web interface. Ideal for managing services and reports carried out in collaboration with external partners.

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The management software for transport companies

Not a simple extension of GestiRent, but a specific management, fully customizable, developed in partnership with one of the leaders of the Italian sector of transport for third parties .

GestiTruck is designed to be used not only by those who are in the office, but also by those who live on the street and for its routes must often connect from abroad.

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Events service

Solution for companies, service events and concerts

The possibilities of the World Net management software are not limited to cars, boats and heavy vehicles. GestiRent has a suitable version for companies that deal with events, service, catering etc.

From warehouse management to technicians and transport documents. Because whatever you rent, GestiRent can help you to do it.

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General accounting for your GestiRent

GestiRent manages the invoicing of rental contracts and free invoicing with the related collections. If you need a general / industrial accounting program fully integrated with the rental program, we have the answer: GestiCont!

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